Ambidestros – Manu Raupp

R$ 30,00
ou R$ 28,50 no depósito
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"Ambidestros" nasceu a partir de uma pesquisa pessoal de Manu Raupp. Pela vontade de explorar a escrita com a mão esquerda, Manu busca investigar as possibilidades de construir o desenho com as duas mãos.

Capa em papel Colorplus 120g e miolo em Offset 120g.
15x20 cm
42 páginas.
100 exemplares.

The book “Ambidestros” was born from a research that looks to explore the possibilities of building a drawing using both hands. The idea arose from the urge to explore the writing (the artist is right handed and used to practice her calligraphy with the left hand in her childhood) and the experience as a juggler. The drawings explore free and playful shapes, inspired by the circus aesthetics, and were made especially for this book.
About the artist:
Manu Raupp is a bachelor in Visual Arts in UFRGS (2011). She was part of the “Contraqueda” jugglers group, from 2008 to 2010. In 2016 released the book “Ambidestros”, with and exhibition of the original drawings at the pop-up Aura gallery. The artist has had three individual exhibitions and also took part in collective ones.

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