Campos de Cuidado - Alexandre Copês

R$ 45,00
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Campos de Cuidado, de Alexandre Copês tem 92 páginas de desenhos feitos em seus caderninhos nos últimos anos. Desenhos rápidos, pensamentos soltos, exercícios, trechos de músicas, desenhos elaborados, rotineiros, eróticos, lúdicos e outros tipos de anotações se mesclam construindo um universo próprio do artista, espaços afetivos e os campos de cuidado, sendo às vezes sua obra mesma. 

Este é o quarto lançamento da Azulejo.

Capa cartão 290g
Miolo em papel Pólen 90g
15x10 cm
94 páginas
1ª edição – 100 exemplares

Campos de Cuidado is a book developed from drawings, notes, and propositions of the artist. These drawings make parts of his artist books, specifically here, presented as a compilation of two books created between 2014 and 2015. These works present the graphic language as a tool of mental organization, representing intimate and everyday notes of his creative process.
About the artist:
He holds a bachelor degree in Visual Arts from Institute of Arts of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, at Porto Alegre (Brazil), where he lives and works. Exploring graphic language as one of the central elements of his production, the artist establishes through drawing, photography, video, and writing relations between the everyday, fiction, and intimate situations. Alexandre has been working in the field of visual arts since 2009; Develops part of his work as a cultural producer, researcher, and assistant of the Brazilian artist Carlos Pasquetti.
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